
Section: New Results

New branch-and-price methods for variants of bin packing problems

We proposed branch-and-price methods for two variants of the well-known bin-packing problem.

The bin packing problem with conflicts consists in packing items in a minimum number of bins of limited capacity while avoiding joint assignments of items that are in con ict. The study in [21] demonstrates that a generic implementation of a Branch-and-Price algorithm using specific pricing oracle yields comparatively good performance for this problem. We use our black-box Branch-and-Price solver BaPCod, relying on its generic branching scheme and primal heuristics. We developed a dynamic programming algorithm for pricing when the conflict graph is an interval graph, and a depth-first-search branch-and-bound approach for pricing when the conflict graph has no special structure. The exact method was tested on instances from the literature where the conflict graph is an interval graph, as well as harder instances that we generated with an arbitrarily conflict graph and larger number of items per bin. Our computational experiment report sets new benchmark results for this problem, closing all open instances of the literature in one hour of CPU time.

In the bin-packing with fragile objects, we are given a set of objects, each characterized by a weight and a fragility, and a large number of uncapacitated bins. Our aim is to find the minimum number of bins needed to pack all objects, in such a way that in each bin the sum of the object weights is less than or equal to the smallest fragility of an object in the bin. The problem is known in the literature as the Bin Packing Problem with Fragile Objects, and appears in the telecommunication field, when one has to assign cellular calls to available channels by ensuring that the total noise in a channel does not exceed the noise acceptance limit of a call. In [10] , we propose a branch-and-bound and several branch-and-price algorithms for the exact solution of the problem, and improve their performance by the use of lower bounds and tailored optimization techniques. In addition we also develop algorithms for the optimal solution of the related knapsack problem with fragile objects. We conduct an extensive computational evaluation on the benchmark set of instances, and show that the proposed algorithms perform very well.